WOW - what a holiday weekend - we had a great time.
Millie and I started Thanksgiving morning off by participating in the Turkey Trot (5 miles). Now, I haven't run or walked in a LONG time - at least not consistently so I was pretty proud of myself for even considering this. But we did it and enjoyed it. Millie and I ran/walked with Deborah Gaffney and her daughter, Jody. Jody and her older sister, Anna, go to "school" with Nathan and Millie. Other friends that participated included my sister-in-law, Becky; Trey's cousin's husband, Kyle and his son, Drew; Mary Barrett and her children, Ellie and Ray; our neighbor Christy; and my friend Rhonda, her brother, Randall, and her daughter, Carley. What a way to start off a wonderful day...and burn some calories before such a big feast.
We also hosted Thanksgiving lunch. Trey smoked turkey, brisket, and ribs while our family and friends brought all the other wonderful dishes. We so enjoyed having everyone over and enjoyed visiting with everyone. It was great to see all the folks that we hadn't seen in such a long time. We watched the UT/A&M game with our neighbors - the outcome wasn't suprising. Trey and I were so tired by the time the game was over; we hit the sack pretty early.
Friday, I took the kids to Taylor to visit with Meme, my parents, and my mom's sister and her family. It was nice seeing them and catching up. Sarah is planning a May wedding and Rachel is attending UTSA.
Saturday, Rachel and I took Nathan to the Chuy's Children Giving to Children Parade downtown. Nathan was in awe at everything going on. I don't think he really knew what to thank. At the end of the parade, the children were allowed to put their donation (a child's gift) in the back of one of several trucks. I hope to make this a tradition so that one day Nathan and Millie will both understand the importance of giving.

I feel very blessed that we have such wonderful family and friends.
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