Well, I haven't blogged in a long time - a month to be exact. Christmas has come and gone and we've begun a new year.
We had a lovely Christmas holiday with our family. We spent Christmas Eve with my parents and Meme in Round Rock. When we woke up Christmas morning, Nathan discovered that Santa had come to visit. He ate the milk and cookies we left out and brought him a new bike and blue rain boots, among other things. Santa brought Millie some clothes - all a little girl needs :) We spent Christmas Day with Trey's parents, his brother's family (Clay, Becky, Carly, and Abby), and Uncle Slick and Aunt Cindy. We missed having Ma and Shannon, Nils, and Gwen with us. As in years past, Santa and our families were very generous to all of us.
New Year's Eve was pretty uneventful at the Powers' residence this year. The past two years, we have headed to Acuna, Mexico with 20+ of our closest friends. For whatever reason, no one went this year. This was fine by us, though. However, New Year's Day we all took off to Pearsall, TX. Trey wanted to take Nathan hunting for the first time. Millie and I went down for the day and waited and waited to hear how the hunt went Thursday evening. We didn't hear from Trey until Friday morning...evidently, things didn't go too well. What can you expect from a 3 year old who hasn't had a nap? You sure can't expect him to sit still and quiet.
My mom, Millie and I enjoyed the beautiful weather Friday down at Lady Bird Lake. Sounds like Saturday is going to be just as pretty as today. I hope to get out and enjoy the weather before the cold hits us again Sunday/Monday.
We're all back to work and school come Monday. Trey and I have been off work and the kids have been out of school since Christmas Eve so we'll all have some adjusting to do.
I'll post some pictures later.
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2009!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Kara's Birthday
For any of you that have children, you might agree with me that your own birthdays aren't as eventful or as important as they were pre-children. First, it's hard to go out to celebrate with small children and secondly, it's more fun to celebrate your children's birthdays than your own. If you agree with me or not, I had a great birthday today. Lots of well wishes from family, friends, and co-workers. Trey cooked an awesome steak dinner and he and Nathan sang happy birthday to me. What more could I ask for?
Well, maybe some time alone and maybe some time alone with my husband. Trey gave me a massege (some time alone) and my parents are going to watch the kids for us Saturday night while we go to dinner (some time with my husband).
Thanksgiving Holiday
WOW - what a holiday weekend - we had a great time.
Millie and I started Thanksgiving morning off by participating in the Turkey Trot (5 miles). Now, I haven't run or walked in a LONG time - at least not consistently so I was pretty proud of myself for even considering this. But we did it and enjoyed it. Millie and I ran/walked with Deborah Gaffney and her daughter, Jody. Jody and her older sister, Anna, go to "school" with Nathan and Millie. Other friends that participated included my sister-in-law, Becky; Trey's cousin's husband, Kyle and his son, Drew; Mary Barrett and her children, Ellie and Ray; our neighbor Christy; and my friend Rhonda, her brother, Randall, and her daughter, Carley. What a way to start off a wonderful day...and burn some calories before such a big feast.
We also hosted Thanksgiving lunch. Trey smoked turkey, brisket, and ribs while our family and friends brought all the other wonderful dishes. We so enjoyed having everyone over and enjoyed visiting with everyone. It was great to see all the folks that we hadn't seen in such a long time. We watched the UT/A&M game with our neighbors - the outcome wasn't suprising. Trey and I were so tired by the time the game was over; we hit the sack pretty early.
Friday, I took the kids to Taylor to visit with Meme, my parents, and my mom's sister and her family. It was nice seeing them and catching up. Sarah is planning a May wedding and Rachel is attending UTSA.
Saturday, Rachel and I took Nathan to the Chuy's Children Giving to Children Parade downtown. Nathan was in awe at everything going on. I don't think he really knew what to thank. At the end of the parade, the children were allowed to put their donation (a child's gift) in the back of one of several trucks. I hope to make this a tradition so that one day Nathan and Millie will both understand the importance of giving.

I feel very blessed that we have such wonderful family and friends.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
After a long day at work (beginning of open enrollment for health benefits) and a bit of a frustrating day with Nathan, I finally pulled out of the office parking lot at 5:55. I called Trey, almost in tears, and said, "If there was ever a time I wanted to run away, it would be now." I made it home at 6:50 - nothing like an hour long drive home with an infant, toddler, and the sound of Elmo. Anyway, I walked in the door and Trey said, "You've got 30 minutes for yourself." Knowing what it takes to get everyone fed, bathed, and in bed in the evenings, I said, "No" and was going to help him. Trey led me to our bathroom and said again, "You have 30 minutes for yourself." He had filled the tub, lit a candle, and poured me a glass of wine. When I least expect it, he surprises me. He's more than I could ask for in a husband and friend.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Such a sweet brother
Nathan makes me smile everyday and even more so when he's so sweet to his baby sister. This morning I asked him who his favorite person was and he said, "Millie." And on the way home this evening he looked over at Millie and said, "Millie, Millie, do you want me to kiss you?" To hear my little boy say such sweet things just makes makes my heart melt and reassures me that Trey and I are teaching him about love and affection.
Monday, November 3, 2008
A Day with the Evans
After tailgating at the A&M/Colorado game on Saturday, Trey and I took the kids to Huntsville to see April (Smith) and Jason Evans. We had such a wonderful time with their family. Nathan and Paisley hit it off very quickly. Paisley was quick to show Nathan how to play with her toys. Jason was gracious enough to saddle up a horse to take the kids for a ride. Oh, how they fussed over who was going to ride first. He even started up the "big tractor" and took Nathan and Canyon for a ride. The Evan's kids are so cute and so well behaved. April and Jason have done a wonderful job raising those two. We spent the evening taking a tour of their new home that is currently under construction. It was great spending time with the Evans. Thanks April and Jason!! Miss y'all already.
Halloween and the Weekend
Our Halloween was pretty uneventful this year, but we did have fun. Friday was pajama day at "school" for Nathan's class. Of course, he wanted to wear his camo pjs. Millie has had an orange nose the last few weeks to match her orange Halloween outfit. All the children at The Corner School (onsite childcare center) at TASB got to go trick-or-treating around the office. Both kids made out like bandits - we have snacks (some healthy and some not so healthy) to last us quite a while.
Friday evening we headed to Bryan. Unfortunately, we got to town late and were unable to go trick-or-treating, but Nathan had fun passing out candy to the HIGH SCHOOL kids that came to the door. He was awfully excited to be at Uncle Slick and Aunt Cindy's house for the weekend.
Trey hunted Saturday and Sunday morning. Saturday he shot a pig, but couldn't find him and Sunday he shot a buck. He came back to the house to get Nathan so they could "trail" the deer. Nathan had big fun trailing the blood. Once he found the deer he told Trey he was still alive because his eyes were still open.
Thank you Uncle Slick and Aunt Cindy for letting us spend the weekend with y'all!!
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